Donation form

Thank you for your willingness to support our project of building a church in Neratovice!

Please fill in the form below, so that we can send you our thanks.
We can also send you a donation certificate that helps you lower your taxes in the Czech Republic if needed.

Please send your donation to the following account:

IBAN: CZ57 0800 0000 0004 6129 4339,
Account holder address: Rimskokatolicka farnost Neratovice, Moravcova 6, 250 72 Kojetice, CZ.

If you have any questions, please write to

Donation promise

We appreciate your donation very much. By filling in your contact data, you also agree on its processing. Your name and contacts will not be provided to any third party. Your agreement relates exclusively to Roman-catholic parish Neratovice with the purpose to evidence the donors and communicate with them. You can view the information about data processing here. If you need any information about data processing in English, please contact our fundraiser